Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Proposal in Taiwan - Part 1 (A Surprise in the Botanical Gardens...Squeeeee!)

Well, these past few days have passed in a bit of a flurry, but I thought I had better put up a blog post quickly so that ya'll are not scared that something dark and sinister had happened to me.  We did not exactly leave off in a happy and warm and fuzzy place, did we?

I was in a dark lounge in the Hong Kong airport, frazzled and tired and beyond frustrated at the lack of support at my firm and also just stressed out about all of the work I still had to get through over the weekend, despite it being the weekend and despite my travel plans to Taiwan.

It didn't exactly get better right away, to be honest.  My midnight flight was delayed until 1:45 am and then did not take off until 2:20 am (ouch!) so that I landed in Taipei at just before 4 am.  I think I managed to get maybe half an hour of sleep on the flight.  Due to the poor weather conditions earlier in the day, the flight was absolutely packed to the gills.  I likely was the last person to buy a ticket.  I managed to score a spot in the very last row of the plane. 

I arrived at my friend's apartment in Taipei at about 5:30 am, greeted by a very anxious and worried Michael, and was so tired I was nearly delirious.  I stumbled into bed and immediately dropped into a fitful sleep.  I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep long because I was so antsy and hyped up from my crazy Friday. 

I woke up at 11 am and, still half-asleep, mumbled answers to Michael's questions about my work plans for the day.  Did I expect to have to work today?  Absolutely.  When?  More likely night time than morning, as the client will need time to review the stuff I sent out at midnight the night before.  Sure we can still make brunch with our friends then? We shouldn't change it to dinner?  Yes, I am positive work will hit around dinner time and not before. We should do brunch.

I felt a little more awake and alive after half a cup of coffee and a hot shower.  I spent a few minutes oohing and aahing over my friend's gorgeous apartment in Taipei.  Look at their beautiful courtyard:

We headed out the door at about fifteen minutes before noon.  We were supposed to meet our friends at 12:20ish and Michael did not want to be late.

Of course, then he forgets his wallet.  We are already in the lobby at this point.  I sigh.  He runs back upstairs.  He is already sweating.  My stomach is grumbling from hunger.  Michael comes back down frantically looking for a blue bag.  Did I have his wallet in my bag?  No.  He runs back upstairs.

I take the time to send some pictures to my family and update them that I am safely in Taiwan.  When he finally comes down, I take great pleasure in telling him that now we will be late and it will (for once) be his fault!  How could he forget his wallet and then not be able to find it?  Tsk tsk.

On the way to the subway, I see how much Michael is sweating and offer to hail a taxi.  He says naw.  We proceed to the subway.  When we get to the subway stop (Xiaonanmen), I see a text from my friend that they are running about 25 to 30 minutes late because one of their baby boys (they have twins) was being fussy.  Michael and I both groan - we had rushed for nothing?  I lamented that I didn't see their text earlier.  We thought about it - no matter.  We could take our time walking to the brunch spot and wait for them there. 

We scrutinized the subway map for the best exit.  I exclaimed, oh! I know where we areWe could go wander through 228 Peace Park before we go to brunch.  Or the botanical gardens, which should be pretty.  I joked that the gardens looked closer and given the heat, it was probably better that we stick close.  Michael agreed - he was not really in the mood to go see a war memorial.  (Only later would I realize why not!)

We headed off.  When we got to the botanical gardens, Michael wondered, Are the gardens closed? Because it looks gated.  I expressed my dismay.  Surely they were open!  We got closer.  Oh phew, they are open.  We wandered into the quiet, calm oasis of the gardens.
I kept taking pictures and marveling at what a beautiful day it was, how sunny, how clear.

The skies are so blue!  The trees are so green!  The air is so clean!  I love Taiwan!  I finally felt like I could put away some of the craziness and lingering stress of the previous 24 hours.  I'm loving life again!
At this point, we approached a lily pond.
I was delighted.  Look at how big those lily pads are!  Look at how many are flowering!  What a nifty spot! 
 Michael told me to pose for a picture.  I thought that was a little bit odd because he never (ever ever ever) offers to take pictures of me.  But I did not think too much about it.  It seemed so serendipitous that there was a huge pond of flowering lilies that we just stumbled upon, and I do so love flowers.
 At this point I am ready to proceed.  I admit I really had food on my brain.  I was hungry!  And it was hot.  But then Michael says, let's keep walking here for a bit.  And I say, but there's no more path this way?  And then he stops and reaches for my waist.  I am still looking at the lilies.  I exclaim at a fish that is trying to nibble at a discarded slice of watermelon.  Michael tries to get me to turn to him in a hug.  I say, Michael, I don't like PDA!  And he says, Allison, hold still!  He fumbles in his pocket. And I say, "OH. MY. GOD."  He gets down on bended knee.  I am blinded by a beautiful flash and sparkle.  He asks the question. Will you marry me?  I say yes!! even though my voice sounds very far away.  The ring is slipped onto my finger.

We then walked around a little bit more, wandering over a few sun dappled koi ponds and quiet wooden bridges, and talked a little bit more.  I was still trying to process everything.  I admit my brain was frightfully slow that morning.  I may have gotten quite emotional at this point.  I couldn't believe it!

Michael did such an amazing job planning everything that the whole proposal came as a shock.  I was beyond surprised.  I actually thought that this was all done on a whim.  When he was pulling the ring out to propose, I was really confused because all I could think was, but how can he be doing this when I suggested we go to the botanical gardens?  Why is he doing this now when we should be at brunch?? 

So, lo and behold, we are engaged!  Yay!!!  But lest you think that the proposal story is over, you must stay tuned for part two...


  1. Yay, I love reading the story!!!! Can't wait to see the ring and congratulate you in person in just 6 weeks or so! xxoo

    1. yay!!! i'm so excited to see you. xoxo.

    2. Me too! I already have lists going for food and restaurants and tequila and boot-wearing opportunities :).
