Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Catch Up on Other Happenings

Before we went to Singapore we went to AIA Vitality for a ballroom dancing trial class.
I also went to a mini open house at Mulberry, where parents had the chance to check out the classroom and watch as the kids learned and explored with the teacher, Chen laoshi.  I thought I would switch the boys to a local school, KCS, in the fall, but after some further deliberation we decided we would keep them at Mulberry. They just get way more individual attention, in a beautiful classroom setting, with gentle and effective ways of instruction. It comes at 3x the price (and with twins, that is 3x x2) but early childhood education surely has to take priority over nearly everything else?
Last month I also had a chance to go to Lola's school to read during her library hour.  I chose one of my favorites, "Rosie Revere, Engineer" because that message is so good, so much of a deeper, bigger lesson that I wish had been more a part of my own education and upbringing.  How to fail, and how to try again ("fail better").  How to be fearless, or, to be fearful but to have faith in oneself and do it anyway.  It was also a very important opportunity for me to observe Lola in school with her classmates.  I very much wanted to see how the social setting is serving her. I can’t believe how early friendship power wars, manipulation, undue influence start to take place. It's crazy!

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