Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dreary, Gray, Wet, Damp and Cold

Hong Kong is in the midst of a really impressive wet streak.  I think I haven't seen the sun in two or three weeks.  Michael hasn't been able to play soccer in a long time.  Every day has been overcast and wet.  And because Hong Kong is naturally pretty humid, I feel like I have been swimming in a dank, soupy mist.  It is so depressing.  It's not COLD, per se.  I mean, it's not 30 or 40 degrees -- the weather is hovering in a mid-60s range.  But with no heat in our apartment, and with the air-conditioner still blasting at work (why?), I feel like the cold has seeped into my bones.

Despite the incessant rain, the fancy shopping malls are doing their part to bring the festive cheer.  Below, some snaps I took on my way to a meeting with deal counsel:

the most impressive indoor mall display I've ever seen - a really cute moving ski lift!

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