Thursday, November 3, 2022

Happy Halloween

The kids enjoyed a great Halloween.  It felt like a never ending 4 day holiday, with the boys dressing up for school on Friday, and then events running all the way to the Happy Valley racecourse party on actual Halloween day in Monday.

A pirate and Dory (otherwise known as "fishy fishy") before school:
The American Club did a Hocus Pocus themed party this year. We sent a fairy godmother and two skeletons:
On Sunday, our street resumed for the first time since COVID the trick or treating tradition. The kids were so excited and went to over 20 apartments to get treats.  Everyone was friendly and happy, and full of such festive good cheer.  I never placed any stock on Halloween previously but as a parent of young children now I'm totally into it!
We ended the party playing at our neighbors' apartment upstairs.  They always have the best toys and an LOL dollhouse and camper van that Lola loves, so the kids were in heaven. 
On Monday, we headed down to the Happy Valley playground for the big party. It was so fun. Held in the area next to the playground, there were tattoos and stickers, pumpkin decorating, crafts and activities, and a dance stage with music and dancing.  The kids trick or treated again, this time at all of the shops.  I promised Lola I'd get into the real feel of the holiday by dressing up.  She was so delighted when she saw me.  I found a pretty good (and comfortable!) Maleficent outfit that I plan to wear again.  I love the hat with the horns!
Lots has been happening on the home front that has me thinking a lot, about matters both big and small.  What has been somewhat surprising to me is just how much the manner / means of communication can affect everything.  Why is that?  

Someone said to me, our relationships aren't about how we love, they are about how we fight.  I had never thought about it like that. Honestly, I'm starting to think that that's all that matters.

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