Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Al and Teo's Graduation

Wow, how does it happen that one day it feels like we are struggling through every minute and every hour, barely surviving, trying to stay awake and just manage, and nearly every moment feels so hard - and then the next day our twins are 4 and graduating kindergarten, and we are about to have a 7 year old and two 5 year olds at the end of this year?  Wow.  I get very emotional when I think about this.

Last Saturday (the 21st) was the Mulberry school's whole school show and the boys' K2 graduation. I'm so proud of these two handsome, kind, earnest, cheeky, generous and happy little (but very tall! You know what I mean, they will forever be my babies) boys.

They handled the spotlight and the attention of hundreds of pairs of eyes on them very well.  Their teacher asked Al what he likes to do at school (answers in Mandarin: playing with his friends,  drawing and writing).  Is he happy?  "I am sooo happy," said so earnestly that it earned many delighted laughs.  When it was Teo's turn, their teacher asked what he was dressed up as (answers in Mandarin: astronaut).  What does he enjoy doing at school? Playing soccer in Coach AB's class, and tumbling. What does he want to be when he grows up? An astronaut!
The kids then proceeded to do adorable dance and song routines to a Chinese song, "One Small Seed" and "Celebration" in English.
They even got a whole ceremony on stage with hat and diploma.
I'm so proud of Al and Teo!

Despite their graduation, the boys still had four more days of school therefter.  On one of those days, Lola went to their school to do a little show and tell, talking about her experiences transitioning to primary, and answering questions from her curious and attentive audience.  She also read to the baby class.  This was something we came up with because Lola was just as sad, if not more sad than her brothers, to be leaving Mulberry.  I thought it would be a great way for her to showcase her knowledge, build up her public speaking skills, and also allow her some time to play with her brothers in a great school environment.  It was a total hit.
Al and Teo's last day was on the 27th, and then I went to school for their PT conference on Friday the 28th. Everyone in the school loves them, and had such great things to say.  One of the aunties and their teacher told me, in Chinese, that they really couldn't bear to let them go ("she bu de"). Tears sprang to my eyes when I saw what their teacher prepared for them - an 80+ paged booklet documenting their entire 2 years in the school.  The school told me the kids (including Lola) were always welcome to come back!

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