Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Very Happy Father's Day

After our adventures over Dragon Boat weekend, our next big weekend consisted of nearly overlapping events on Saturday as we scurried in different directions: aerial yoga for Lola, haircuts for the boys (where we also played for a little at the toy store), MyGym for the boys, pizza lunch date, a party playdate for Lola where she made lip gloss (amazing), and a playdate for the boys at home, before we all went to dinner at the town club.  
On Sunday, the big event was Father's Day, which we celebrated with brunch at the American Club followed by some crafts - the kids each made perlee key chains and we then participated in an epic drip bear making workshop.
We finished the day with swimming at the pool, dinner in Bay Cafe, then a small cake and dessert (with candles) at home.

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