Friday, June 21, 2024

Always Get in the Water

Whaa!  Just like that another school year is done. Lola has finished first grade (yesterday)! And the boys graduate (kindergarten) tomorrow!
Life is coming at us fast but gosh how blessed we are. 

I happened to read a beautiful and devastating memorial written by a husband for his recently deceased wife, a 42 year old woman with 2 young children.  I think about life and death very differently now that I have little ones.  In celebrating her kindness and compassion, he wrote a poetic phrase about her approach to life which really resonated with me because it is very much how I wish to live my life, and how I hope I am living it - and is the inspiration for this post's title.  May we all seize and make the most of each small moment in this one wild and beautiful life, and always get in the water!  

What a privilege it is to be in a place, financially, emotionally, mentally and physically, to be able to host a junk trip and invite family and friends to play together.  All the kids had a fantastic day, full of adventure, fun, challenge and delight!  We were also so lucky with the weather - today was probably the first day it didn't rain in a month and we were out on the water to enjoy it all.  
We headed out shortly from Aberdeen pier before lunch, which was perfect because the boys finished school and crossed the street to get on the boat. 

En route and near our destination, we were treated to flying fish. We dropped anchor in Stanley (near the prison, incidentally) and proceeded to eat lunch before heading to the beach (via paddleboard, swimming and various floaties).  Unfortunately we picked up quite a bit of garbage on the beach (there is so much trash in our oceans!) which saddened me greatly, but I was proud of how helpful our kids were in gathering it all up.  

Al proved himself to be resilient and positive, swimming the entire way from boat to beach and back.  Lola was a social butterfly, exploring and playing with her friends and showing herself to be generally very comfortable in water.  Teo was a bit needier overall, getting anxious when the salt water got in his eyes and at one point declaring emphatically that he was tired and would not be swimming any more!

The kids found bamboo sticks, crabs, a coconut... We saw fish flying and jumping out of the water multiple times and the kids' excitement, energy and delight was absolutely infectious.

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