Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Girls' Trip to the Hamptons!

I had a lovely, relaxing, rejuvenating and really fun trip out to the Hamptons with some girl friends last week for our friend's birthday.  We have known each other for a long time now, having first met in Hong Kong on 2013 and 2014, pre-marriage, pre-partners, pre-kids. Now that our lives are fuller and increasingly more hectic with family, kids, caregiving, and/or work, this chance to stay together and do activities sans kids was such a rare jewel of an opportunity that we all felt compelled to say yes!

One friend flew in from California, another headed in from the city, and I also headed out from the city. Another friend was already there and staying the month in another rental house.  The three of us heading out got the same train from Jamaica (LIRR) and pulled into East Hampton just after 7pm.  We had a delicious clambake dinner (lobster, clams, mussels, corn, potatoes and butter yum!) and enjoyed catching up outside by the beautiful hydrangeas in my friend's backyard. 
The next morning was an invigorating and detoxifying hot yoga session at Fierce Grace. I believe it was my first hot yoga session in over 5 years (since I was pregnant with the boys)!  I couldn't believe how good it felt to stretch and challenge myself - and how easily many of the moves came back to me (but equally, how inaccessible some moves still remain).  We were all pouring sweat at the end.  Afterwards I felt like my body was a drenched towel that got wrung out from the inside out - it may sound bad but it was delicious in all the best ways.
After the session and a refreshing cardamom coffee and breakfast doha at Hampton Chutney that was bigger than our faces, we planned for the highlight of the day: a very special afternoon sail from Sag Harbor, with Cosmos, a 45 foot catamaran beauty!  The weather cooperated very well; we could not have been luckier.  Despite a little cloudiness and rain in the morning, then a slightly overcast sky when we disembarked, the sun teased and flirted with us until finally peeking out once we dropped anchor. It was not blazingly hot though, and the clouds and breeze flitted about to cool us down as soon as it got a little uncomfortable.
Most of us got in for a swim and as a bonus we also spotted some water fowl, including a heron perched in a tree as well as a cute swan family replete with mom, dad and two baby swans. We snacked on food from Round Hill Farms (that guac!!) and the cookies (chewy, chocolate chip, marshmallow and graham crackers) were amazing.

After a brief respite,  we showered (and did some very funky face masks) before dressing up and heading out to a birthday dinner at Si Si.
The next morning right after a quick call that I squeezed in for work, we headed to Wainscott Beach (stunning!) posed for some selfies, did some jumping shots (very tiring!) and then rushed to a Tracy Anderson class.  It was in a hot room with some insane moves and totally kicked my butt.  Note our post workout picture haha. We all got purple sports bras from the birthday girl, hence the "Purple Wave" - can we just take a second to marvel at the coordination?!
Thereafter, a quick takeaway lunch from Carissa's (I got a farm fresh salad with colors so vibrant and beautiful I almost didn't want to eat it) and then shopping at goop.  The towns of East Hampton and Sag Harbor fulfill my every floral fantasy.
The afternoon was whiled away with a quick dip in our pool, and then more shopping, this time on the streets of East Hampton.  I came away with quite a haul - 2 pairs of shoes and some presents for the kids.  Then it was time for a ferry ride to Shelter Island, for a sunset dinner at Sunset Beach.  It was my first time taking the car ferry and going to Shelter Island.  The sunset views are incredible.  We faced the southern edge of the North Fork while we dined on various seafoods, meats and pasta.  The steamers were my favorite.

Then all too soon it was the end of the trip... I left early the next morning to catch a 6 a.m. train to head back into the city.

I'm so glad we had the chance to squeeze this time in and I'm so grateful for the happy memories that we were able to create this year. I hope my dear friend had a wonderful birthday and felt loved! I am already looking forward to the next reunion in 2025!

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