Friday, October 30, 2020

The Boys Start Playgroup!

The catch up posts never stop...! The boys have started attending infant playgroup (8 to 12 months) this month, as well as a playgroup held at none other than.... our home!  

I found Lola's former Mandarin teacher at Baby Buddies, and asked her to come to our house to operate a playgroup for us.  My thinking was, given how hard it is to schedule everyone's activities, why not bring people to us instead?  And it's hard to find pure Mandarin playgroups.  If we have the resources (teacher, space) why not do it here?

So now the boys go to Fairchild for 45 minutes on Monday mornings and then have a 45 minute playgroup on Tuesday mornings with two other kids who come to class at our apartment.  The playgroup is popular and we are oversubscribed, with three MORE kids interested, so I find myself negotiating with the teacher to see if we can expand the group to more kids in one session, or else possibly opening up another class!  Figures of all the hats that I'm currently wearing I find myself adding impromptu playgroup facility to the list... hah.  It's really great though, and what a wonderful development.

 Here are some pictures of Al and Teo at Fairchild.  This particular photo was from their first trial class, while they sat in the big common area and looked around full of curiosity.  Look at those big eyes, and cheeks, and dimpled arms... I can't even.

Here are some pictures from the school's private site, which are low quality because I took screenshots off of my phone.  Look how happy the boys are to be in a new environment, exploring new things!


Here are a few pictures from when the boys did the playgroup at home:

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