Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Al and Teo at 9 and 10 Months, Respectively

 Because I missed the nine month marker, this will be a combined post of Al and Teo from September 28 and October 28, and their progress to over the last two months, along with lots of pictures.  The boys are 10 months!!

They are wide eyed, apple cheeked, smooth skinned boys who in the past couple of months have sprouted a bit more hair, albeit still not very much, and have emerged as drool monsters.  Their teeth are coming out in full force now, with Al a little bit further along than Teo.  They LOVE books - not so much for reading, as for chewing.  Nothing is tastier to these guys than wood pulp for some reason!  They have both perfected the wide eyed "who, me?" look, as evidenced below:

They sit well now, although in the past couple of days Al has fallen back a few times either because he's lost his balance from pulling or tugging on a toy too hard, or because he has lost his temper and flings himself back.  We just went to a physical therapist to understand why they are not yet crawling (or even up on their arms and knees) and apparently it's because their hips are really tight and they put all their weight on one side.  I'm hopeful that this will help.  The physical therapist told me that the torticolis and tightness of the hips tend to be more pronounced in twins (check) and in firstborn girls (!! check).  Looks like we had the winning combination.

Recently the boys have started fighting more over toys as well.  Usually, Al can be counted on to want any toy that Teo is playing with, though recently Teo has started grabbing Al's stuff as well.  Alas, it never matters what is in front of one or the other.  They just want what is in front of the other one!

Sometimes they converse with each other before bed.  Even if we don't push their beds together, they now pull themselves up and kind of chortle and cackle and chatter at each other from across the room.  I am completely and unabashedly biased when I say that they are freaking adorable.  They are so happy.  To hear Al or Teo chortling is truly one of the best things.

Here, a happy moment last month chattering and cackling with daddy on the couch.  I feel these pictures are very representative of the boys' personalities.  It's very typical of Al to be laughing with his mouth wide open while Teo is sitting quietly reserving judgment.  Even Michael with all his muscles admits that holding both of these guys at once is not an easy task.  Al surpassed 10 kgs this month and Teo is very close behind.

It's not easy to hold on if one wants out!
But they're still small enough to be at the mercy of my raspberries, muahaha.
We went to the pool at the club with Teo at the end of last month, which is likely what got him sick.  We should have covered him up more because the club keeps the A/C running so high, but he managed to get both his clothes and spare clothes wet.  I knew I should have just put him in Lola's flowered tights. Doh.

Running a fever after...poor boy.  Still such a good and happy little one though.









The boys have been out to the American Club a few times separately to the pool (too difficult and dangerous for 2 adults on 3 non-swimmers under 3) but altogether with their sister at the Eagle's Nest and out on the lawn.

The boys love to play with their muslin blankets, especially when it gets tossed over their heads.
They continue to love to watch their sister eat, or play, or sing, or do anything, really.  They're endlessly fascinated by her.  As you can see, we really picnic a lot.


The kids continue to go to Maggie and Rose also.  Thank goodness the soft play areas have opened up again!  The weather has gotten a bit too cool for the water fountain, but up until recently we were still using it quite frequently.













We love you boys, happy 10 months!

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