Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Fitting, Part 1

I'm sure you've all been waiting with bated breath for the results of the first fitting of Michael's suit. I'm happy to report that he is thrilled with the drape and feel of the fabric.  His exact words were, "I look tremendous!" which, immodesty aside, was not too far off the mark.  Guess there is some magic to this bespoke thing after all!

At this stage, everything is a bit baggier and longer because the cutter and tailor err on the side of caution - the idea being, it's always easier to reduce than to increase.  His pants are held together by a paper waistband, his vest (or waistcoat, if you wish) is two front panels stitched onto a mint green striped canvas backing, and his jacket, with only one full sleeve, is marked precisely with a zig-zagging white thread.  There is nary a zipper, pocket, button or buttonhole in sight. 
Fitting the pants - too baggy right now
Getting the waistband just right
Rocking the one sleeve suit jacket

This time, important details like gorge height, jacket length, pants length, button placement, and tightness of the jacket were discussed and decided (marked by little chalk notations and straight pins).  Stay tuned for the next fitting, when there will be many more pictures and something that better resembles the end product.

Some pictures of the store.  It is small but it holds a lot of stuff...

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