Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Happy Anniversary!

Happy wedding anniversary to me and Michael! Hard to believe it has been 9 years since we stood on the steps of Church of the Most Holy Redeemer... whoa!

This year on Aug 22 we were in that rare, elusive state which enabled us to celebrate: in the same place! Ha ha!

What a busy and fruitful 9 years it has been, and in particular what a blessing this past year has been for me, thanks in huge part to Michael's efforts.  I have truly been enjoying, no, savoring my life, and cultivating joy.

I am hard pressed to pick a more extreme shift for me.  Take your pick, with the protests in Hong Kong in 2017, having gestational diabetes while pregnant with twins, having a C section and recovering from pretty severe diastasis (while working full time and also mothering my older daughter), dealing with the pandemic, juggling household help, trying to raise 3 children under 3, having complicated, expensive and multi- stage stressful oral surgery.. recently I feel like I have emerged from a deep and dark ravine and only starting to feel myself again.  

I was just musing a couple of nights ago that while some things have changed (a lot) and in a seemingly very short period of time for us (and really all in very wonderful ways), still so many things have stayed the same.  Life is so funny that way.  Wherever you go, there you are.

For our anniversary dinner, we went to hotpot at Wulao in Causeway Bay, which is Taiwanese style hotpot in a crowded mall building with lots of other restaurants and shops, in the heart of the city.  Not too much fancy about it - but I thought that was really lovely also.  Like I said, some things won't change - and my love of hotpot is pure and runs deep and true and even Michelin stars can't shake it. Michael admittedly felt differently about this ...although this time even he agreed with me that the broth was delicious. 

Before we sat down, we headed to the roof top bar on a whim for a pre-dinner drink. Wowza!  
Who knew that view was waiting for us? Just a casual Friday night. 
Also, a very random billboard sign and a towering, rather intimidating sign directly above us.  I love this city.  And I love you, Michael!  Thanks for being with me on this exciting and fulfilling and pretty amazing journey.  

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