Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A New Ear Development

I decided to get two additional piercings in my right ear lobe. 

It has been something I've wanted for a while, but avoided doing for a long time because I thought it was rebellious, unprofessional, unbefitting a young woman working at a conservative law firm who wanted to be taken seriously, etc. 

Lately, I've come to recognize that so many large and small decisions I make are based on other's expectations, perceptions or standards, and not on my own.  

Part of the beauty and blessing of aging gracefully (40, here I come!) is that it has given me the confidence, awareness and courage to do the things I want.  To give value and space to my voice, a voice I have often repressed, and been taught to silence, all my life.  

I wish I could say that I did it now and not earlier because I've fully grown comfortable owning who I am and what I want.  In truth, that is still a work in progress.  So it's partially due to that, but likely also because multiple ear piercings are all the rage now and quite mainstream, so not quite the bold fashion choice I am making it seem, and also because it gives me the delightful opportunity to adorn myself in additional sparkles.  Who doesn't want more jewels??

I'm hopeful that lobe piercings will be less problematic for me.  I haven't ventured to do a cartilage piercing yet because my skin tends to form keloids and I'm not sure if I want to deal with the pain or lengthy healing process.  For those, I plan to just use cuffs, rather than actual piercings.   

Once decided, it was a surprisingly easy and fast procedure.  My girl friend and I went in to MaBelle in ifc after a lovely lunch in Exchange Square in early February and I was probably done in twenty minutes flat. My technician was very professional.

My unadorned ear, before. So innocent and bare and tender!  What unplucked opportunities...
During - I was mostly nervous that she would aim it wrong or that I would move and cause it to go awry.  For my right ear, my first lobe piercing was always messed up and not good - sitting too low on my ear and at a crooked angle.  The technician told me that it was way too late to fix the first crooked hole in my right ear.
But two quick pinches and voila!  I now have 3 marching up my ear in a row.  I really want one more in my left ear (ideally totaling at least 2 on one side and 3 on the other) but... patience.  I wanted to take it one side at a time given my penchant for side sleeping.
After.  A little bit intoxicated by the needle, but also much relieved. 
I think the next development may have to be an ombre purple streak in my hair...

Since the piercing, I have been going in occasionally to check on the progress, and have been cleaning it every day.  I am so tired of these ugly (but safer, sterilized, titanium) starter studs and can't wait to get them removed.  I am nearing the 6 week mark this week - hopefully soon I can bring on the sparkly hoops and huggies and gemstones!

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