Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Outdoors Fun

Lola loves being outside and socializing with others.

She typically goes out twice per day, once in the morning after she has had breakfast, and once again in the afternoon (for her playgroups).  She currently goes to three different playgroups, one purely in Mandarin, one bilingual, and one purely in English.

In celebration of her love of the outdoors, this year Michael and I have made more of an effort to just hang out outdoors with her on weekends.  We had a wildly successful inaugural weekend hiking trip on the Lung Fu Shan morning trail, managing to do the whole trek including a brief foray into Pinewood Battery in just under 2 hours.
 Pinewood Battery is a historic military site, the highest of all the defense batteries in Hong Kong at a little over 300 meters, and built in 1903.  Much of the hulking structures remain in place, but in various states of disrepair.
 It makes for a cool Sunday stroll.
The views on the hike were, unsurprisingly, fabulous.
Here,  Lola and Michael taking a water break.
 It's easy to forget how green Hong Kong can be!
 I thought this particular section, lined with bamboo, was really beautiful.
 Happy hiking!
 Near the end of the hike, there are lots of places to sit, walk and play.
 We started our descent pretty much as soon as we reached the Peak.
The path down is steep steep steep, at points frighteningly so.
When the weather is nice but we don't feel like hiking, we go to the park to look at flowers, play with bubbles, and kick the ball around. 

 Lola loves balls.  She will try to throw two or three of them at the same time, or else kick them when they roll toward her.  There is a soccer court and a basketball court in the park right outside our apartment, and she gets so excited watching the older kids and adults play on the courts she will sometimes let out a few screams and squeals.  Other times, we can barely keep her from running directly on to the court to partake in the action.  I think basketball may be her favorite. 
When it has been too wet to hike and the grass is wet, we go to the playground at the park.  I bought Lola a really cute yellow raincoat with flowers and clouds on it, and little green galoshes with little dog faces on them, both of which she really likes.

One rainy Saturday, we bought her a starfruit from a local fruit stand as we were walking around, then went to the playground to fool around on the slides.  For nearly half an hour, she kept saying "apple, apple" which was very confusing.  Turns out, she meant starfruit.  As soon as Michael pulled it out of the bag, she leapt at it, as if to say, "FINALLY!!" and shouting "apple" triumphantly one more time, she barely let us wash it before she grabbed it.  She lost interest in the playground and instead spent the rest of the outing walking around clutching the starfruit tightly in her hands, gnawing at it earnestly.
So I guess that means Lola loves the outdoors, but not as much as she loves her fruit!

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