Saturday, November 3, 2018

Happy Halloween

I hope you all had a happy Halloween!

Pre-baby, I was not really into Halloween costumes or dressing up, but I guess it all went out the window after Lola (like so many other things).  Suddenly it seems like an amazing holiday and you want your kid to look adorable and you find yourself poring over Halloween costumes and brainstorming ideas for days on end. Or is that just me?

In any event, I decided on a family costume pretty early on - it took a bit of thinking because I wanted it to be simple and not too outlandish, but also a costume, but also not too boring, but also not too commercialized.  I was driving myself a bit crazy with all of these constraints, to be honest.

I ultimately chose for Lola to be an astronaut.

Unfortunately, all of that you-can-be-anything-do-anything-be-a-scientist-and-literally-reach-for-the-stars positive messaging was simultaneously cancelled out by Michael's and Jovie's costume: Moana.  And it was a revealing Moana outfit! 

Granted, Moana is likely the best of all of the Disney characters, but I'm not sure that that's saying very much considering this is the franchise that came up with a woman who is chosen by a prince charming who never speaks, and a woman who literally gives up her voice in order to gain legs.  Ugh, can you tell I have issues with Disney? 

Setting all that aside, though, I have to admit, Jovie did an absolutely amazing job making the outfit.   It was so creative and really looked the part.  And ultimately, the important thing is that Lola was comfortable and happy in her outfit.  I am sure it will surprise none of you that she looked super duper cute (said like the proud doting mother that I am).  Here she is at the Halloween party our building hosted, crawling around and being inquisitive as usual. 

As Michael joked, the best aspect of the costume were her huge eyes!

The nice thing about Halloween here is that celebrations lasted at least a week, between Lola's different playgroups and the party that our building hosted.  She got to wear both costumes multiple times.  And because my parents were here, we have way more pictures than usual!



 On Wednesday afternoon I was able to leave work for a little bit to join in the Halloween revelry, which made both Lola and me very happy.  


Lola managed to get a cookie at one of the parties, much to her utter delight and (when she came home bouncing off the walls crazy) to Michael's and my dismay.  No more sugar for this little one!
Here she is rocking her Moana outfit at another playgroup.  How cute is she!


  1. Dying of cuteness. That last pic! Watch out for this one!��

    1. Haha thanks, I'm afraid you're right, we will have our hands FULL. Also, a very hbd to you!!
