Sunday, February 18, 2018

My Little Munchkin/Sweetie Pie/Dearest Little One/[Insert endearment here]

Ah, sometimes this little one drives me crazy.  Other times, I am just flooded with overwhelming love for her!  She is so cute and so perfect to me, down to each of her tiny little fingers and peanut toes.

Lest you think it's all smooth sailing here, last night she had a pretty terrible case of FOMO and would not go to sleep even though she very clearly needed to sleep - I thought our eardrums would bleed out as she sobbed her little heart out.  It was so heart-wrenching and none of our increasingly desperate strategies worked - not the stroller, not the bouncer, not a pacifier, not being held, not being put down... at one point I was sure our neighbors would come knocking on our door. 

But like Michael and I are finding, these moments quickly become survival stories that are bandied about, but ultimately forgotten (or at least forgiven) when contrasted with the moments of pure, piercing joy that she brings us. 

Here she is, enjoying "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" being read to her by Jovie.  She really likes story time!  Her attention span is impressive for a 2.5 month old.  The outfit was a gift from her Nonna and Pops.

This weekend we also went to a friend's baby shower, which was conveniently held in our building (yes!) and we got to introduce Lola to a few friends there.  (In fact, the pink and blue balloons from the picture above are actually the balloons for the party.)  We put her in a little blue dress with a white cardigan, and little pink socks with butterflies on them.  Tres cute!
 She was a little fussy for a bit, but overall she really likes crowds and parties.  She also had no qualms about being held by my friend for a good five minutes or more - no fear of strangers here (yet)!
I had a few moments where I played the knowledgeable mother, passing on my newfound knowledge.  Ha ha, I wish!  We are all just doing the best we can, right mamas?
 All the noise did make Lola sleepy...but of course once we got back upstairs she was wide eyed and playful and refused to sleep.  Of course.

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