Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Vacation

I had a really nice vacation this month when things quieted down a bit at work and before Lola went to school and during the week Michael returned.  It was a really good mix of everything, all the things, and made me quite happy.  Of course, writing this now over two weeks later makes it feels soooo far away, like it happened months ago rather than weeks ago!  

1. Epic Junk Trip.

First things first, I went on the most amazing junk trip with three of my best ladies.  We've known each other for nearly ten years now and I am shocked that it has been that long, and that in a city with so many expats leaving (more so than ever) we have all managed to stay here and see it through!  Our friendship has ebbed and flowed but it is probably at its strongest currently, despite the demands of work, kids, partners and all that jazz.  

We hired a big beautiful boat for just the four of us (why do I never manage to get a photo of the boat itself?! Boarding is always so hectic...), prepared and packed a bunch of champagne, wine, cheeses, fruits, salads and baked goods, and started off from Central at 10 am to head to Clearwater Bay.  We lucked out in a week of rain to get the truly only bright, beautiful and sunny day, and spent 7 hours on the water enjoying this amazing place we call home.  Hong Kong is not perfect but there are very few places in this world that you can do what we did.

On the way out, we kept an eye out for the Kerry hotel in particular, where Michael was doing his quarantine.  He was disappointed in how far away we were.  In his grumbling words, "could our captain have gotten any farther away?"  I didn't have the heart to tell him that in our excitement and happiness we simply forgot about him.

Leaving the skyscrapers of Central behind!

Suddenly it was just blue and green and creamy puffy white clouds everywhere we looked.

Before we knew it, the boat had pulled into Clearwater Bay and we were dropping anchor. 

Our junk gave us a floating donut pool and, my new favorite, the floating mattress.  
We proceeded to tan, swim, float, eat, drink, chat and just chill.
We sunbathed, did yoga moves, and then jumped into the water to cool off.

I had brought my own grapefruit floatie to laze around in for a bit.

A view from the top deck.  We sat through a brief rainstorm, and then the sun peeked back out again.  Before we knew it, it was time to head back to Central. 
We saw kayakers, hikers, and golfers at the Clearwater Bay Golf Club.

A view of the Clearwater Bay Golf Club
We also saw a small village on the banks of Kowloon, which Google Maps helpfully informed me was Ma Wan Village.

The mix of old and new and flashy and decrepit, in Victoria Harbor, always makes for such a fascinating sightseeing experience.
We got a much better view of the Kerry Hotel on our way back!

2. Massage and Fancy Lunch.

The next day, I met up with (almost) the same girls again!  One accompanied me first to a cheap and cheerful massage where the masseuse managed to make my back, neck, shoulders, etc. crack because my muscles were so tight. She got the lympathic massage, I got the Thai.  Then we went to L'Envole, the two Michelin starred restaurant at the relatively new St. Regis, for a decadent girls' lunch.  As my friend loftily declared, "I LOVE being a Lady of Leisure!"  I couldn't agree more...
We enjoyed their lunch menu.  Everything was really tasty and the young European male waitstaff so charming and professional.  I mean, the glasses of fine red wine didn't hurt either.

3.  Weekend with the Kids

I mean, this part of my vacation was really no different from any other weekend, but it had the added benefit of the knowledge that I didn't have to go back to work on Monday.  I didn't have the Sunday blues, if you will.  On Saturday I took Lola to my office (at her request), followed by a decadent seafood-based lunch at China Club, followed by an amazing shopping trip at Bookazine where we managed to buy all the books she liked.

On Sunday, we made the mistake of going to the AIA Carnival.  It was sooooo hot and soooo crowded.  We rode the carousel, did a fishing game, ran around a bit, tried to ride the ferris wheel (and failed; they told me it was a 2.5 hour wait), ate ice cream, and then headed to the Maritime museum.  

The kids had a blast being maniacs.  We scored a bunch of colorful twisty balloons for free, because we were entering just as they wrapped up a huge private event.
A rare shot of all three, in the 10 seconds before it all fell apart.

4. Hanging Out

On Monday, I got to go to Baumhaus music class with the boys. That was really lovely.

 I then spent most of the day running around town doing errands, which made me feel somewhat defeated because I felt like I didn't get to enjoy or relax at all.  But then on a whim I stopped in at the American Club, a friend came to join me on the outdoor terrace, the sun set, the lights came on...and, well, seeing that view...! Getting to just hang out, before going home to put my sweet kids to bed.  Life is so good.

On Tuesday, I participated in the kids' playgroup, ate lunch with the kids, and then went swimming with them at a friend's house. 
On Wednesday, I went to Repulse Bay bright and early to do yoga, hang out with a friend, and then accompany Lola for a trial phonics class.  By Thursday, you know the drill.  Michael was out.

My vacation had really exciting and fun parts, mundane and routine parts, busy and hectic parts. Looking back now I'm not sure I really did much, but then breaking it down day by day it felt like a lot.  It all passed in a quick blur though.  I'm still so glad and grateful I got this time to unwind a bit.  

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