Friday, December 13, 2019

Brunch, Working With Mommy, Nesting at 35 Weeks

Last weekend, I had a few girlfriends over to the apartment.  It was our first time having guests over!  They were really sweet and brought some cakes for my birthday, as well as some presents for the babies.
In a particularly cute moment, Lola insisted that she would work with me, side by side.  As you can see, we are still waiting for a chair to go with my little desk, but it has not shown up yet.  So I'm still using my bed as a stopgap measure.

I'm 35 weeks today (woo hoo and yikes at the same time)!

I've now eased off of everything at work and was working from home this week.  Mainly, I am now focused on trying to get life stuff in order, like ordering whatever else we think we may need for the babies, packing my hospital bag, and getting the nursery ready.  Because of course I don't know how to kick back and really relax like I'm supposed to...

I have suddenly found the energy and gumption to re-evaluate our finances and savings plans, get all the outstanding stuff sorted on our house in Brooklyn, and, lo and behold, put together our wedding photo album that only took place over four years ago.  Ha!

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