Sunday, May 26, 2024

All the Sweet and Good Things

We have been up to lots of fun.  The boys had a cultural appreciation day at school where they wore beautiful Indian kurtas (borrowed from their friend and neighbor).
The kids put on a super elaborate production for me (a Disneyland train in Australia) when I returned home last week. 
Yesterday we went to a birthday party at a place called "Kids Kids Car" which was basically a bunch of playrooms strung together in a mall with things kids love - ride on vehicles, inflatables, bouncy castles and ball pits. The highlight was when all the kids rode on police motorcycles together.
We then went to the American Club town club for dinner. The kids were great. This has become a ritual for us while Michael is out of town.  Turns out the boys love watching the NBA playoffs.  This weekend they were rooting for the Celtics. I'm starting to think they are just fair weather fans though, because they always pick the team with the higher score. After dinner we came home and the three cuddled on the couch to watch Paw Patrol, Lego City and Number Blocks.
Today Lola wrote a little story about her wish and it was so sweet I helped her build a little nook. Just no magically appearing book when summoned, alas!
I leave for Singapore on a business trip tonight and I am sad to go.  When Al found out I was going he said, dismayed, "how come you always go to so many places and you don't take me. I miss you so much."  In a fit of pique he claimed he wanted to sleep on a plane forever.   Teo was also very woebegone, but both ultimately seemed to perk up when they started thinking about what airplanes and airport pieces I would bring back (for example, "Mom! Bring back a Singapore airplane but NOT Japan Airlines okay?!")

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