I feel so betrayed because I went for a walk in the rain with Michael on Monday and my android smartphone, which is supposed to be waterproof, reset and then I lost all of my my pictures and videos from the last 4 days, and all of my pictures in my gallery just disappeared (though most were backed up to my google photos), and all of my whatsapp chats from the last two weeks were wiped. What the hell?! And all my pictures are now garbled and not in the right order and I hate it.
Plus this is week 3 of working from home and it has rained nearly every day for the past 10 days and I am finding it all rather trying. And this year is already two thirds gone, hence the rather somber title of this post today.
I'm trying to unwind but instead find I have an excess amount of the kind of twitchy energy I get after I run a call but have done nothing except sit at my desk and think, or troubleshoot, problems all day. I went out for a 20 minute walk in the rain, just enjoying holding a huge umbrella, getting soaked, hearing the rain pound down, and being the only person on my street. It was very cathartic.
Here are some fun and adorable pictures of the kids recently. The boys are huge, I mean truly huge. They went to a doctor's appointment yesterday and it's official - Al is only 8 pounds lighter than Lola. And Teo is only 0.7 pounds lighter than Al. They are wearing 2 year old clothing.
Al is hilarious when he's around food - he can't look at anyone eating around him without throwing a fit and trying to get all of that food in his face. He still hates exercise and tummy time generally but has been markedly better at it. He sits very well on his own but doesn't really show any signs of trying to move or push himself up on his arms or get his butt into the air.
Teo loves grabbing my glasses (something Lola also loved) and chews my hair by the fistful if he can wrap his hands around it. Teo's bottom tooth has fully sprouted and it is just the cutest thing ever. He can do tummy time for a long time and his newest trick is turning/rotating himself in a circle or inching slightly backwards while his true intention is to inch forwards - but we can't always get everything we want.
The boys love their bath time and now that they are showing steady improvement in their seating I've graduated them to bathing seats attached by a sticky mat, which we use in the bathtub in Michael's office. An essential item for twins! They get to play together and splash and have all the toys and they really enjoy it. Given how restricted we are now for going outside, we think the bathtub will have to become their swimming pool as well. We certainly have enough floats/floaties for them to play with!
It took a few tries to get them in a good picture that doesn't show their goods, or their "wee wee's," as Lola calls it.They don't necessarily like sharing the same space. Al threw a hissy fit this morning because Teo was plopped into his bed for some bonding time.
Heh, I'm sorry, but his displeasure was just so adorable. It was like he knew Teo was all up in his space and he could not get over the invasion of privacy.
As you can see, they don't always hate each other's company (although, tellingly, this is Al being plopped into Teo's bed). I loved this little bonding time I got with them this past weekend.
We then decided to crash Lola's bed.
The boys were beyond excited, as they seem to have an extrasensory perception of anything that has to do with their big sister.
Yep - this girl. 

Lola, darling Lola. She is the cutest. So precocious. So precious. So
inexplicably difficult sometimes. This afternoon I had signed her up for a
perfectly great ice-cream making online zoom session through Maggie &
Rose, and she absolutely lost it and threw a
drop-to-the-floor-I-am-screaming-like-I-will-die temper tantrum. She
finally calmed down and was ready to participate when the 30 minute
class was over and the fresh strawberry and blackberry ice cream had already been painstakingly made and
churned (shaken) by hand for 10 minutes by Michael. Come to think of it, maybe that was her plan all along?
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