Friday, April 10, 2020

Same Old Same Old

Things are the same yet different but really completely the same.

We have been social distancing for so long that I feel like I am losing my sanity.  Unlike last week, however, which was so depressingly dreary and gray, this week we have had lots of sunshine.  I think that has helped.

Despite how exhausting it is to do so, I have forced myself to go out with Lola, Al and Teo - first to Mt. Austin Park on Wednesday, and then to the Happy Valley race course on Thursday.  Packing to head out with three little ones is like packing for a mini-vacation each time: 2 diaper bags full of snacks, diapers, wet wipes, toys and picnic blankets, and a stroller, car seats, baby carrier, buggy board, and scooter and helmet.  But this also explains the lack of pictures while we are out with them - there's often too much going on to be capturing the action!

Hong Kong is not quite on a strict lockdown yet - all public facilities and playgrounds are closed but parks remain open and people generally wear face masks and keep a respectful distance away from each other.  There is also a restriction of more than four people congregating in public spaces.  We break that rule if we count the kids, so when we are out we generally break into two separate groups.

 It's nearly the first time that Al and Teo have been outside - the one other notable time being about three weeks ago when we did a quick trek to the race course.  Poor boys, this pandemic has really curtailed what would have been their exciting introduction to the external world!


Otherwise, as I said above, it's been pretty much the same.  Scootering in the time of coronavirus = helmet + face mask, rain boots optional.

Just another day in our busy apartment:
 My mom reading to Teo:
 Making pizza together:
 Reading books and playing:
 Big sister.
 Little brothers.


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