Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Boys Turn Seven Months!

The boys turn seven months today! 
Here they are, wide eyed and inquisitive, wearing clothes of their sister's that she only recently outgrew.  They are so chunky and adorable.  Their skin is so soft and smooth and cool, like silk and tofu (odd imagery I know but it's immediately what comes to my mind), and they smell so good, I find them irresistibly delectable.  Just perfect for taking a bite!  Or, really, a bunch of big kisses and raspberries.  Al always giggles when I blow raspberries in his neck.  Teo just shoots me the widest toothless grin.  They are so cute.
Over the weekend, they enjoyed some food, and then some art.  It went well.
Al here, pondering life in the midst of smacking out a symphony.  The boys both love music and the drums, rattlers and keyboards all draw their interest.
They begrudgingly tolerate each other when shoved into the same crib.  Here, Al is counting Teo's hairs, I guess!
But sometimes they don't need the crib and it's not quite as civilized as counting...

At seven months, they don't need nor want pacifiers, don't quite sleep through the night yet (but sometimes they manage to make it) and their teeth are starting to pop in.  Teo's has emerged first; we are still waiting for Al's.  They wake up just the happiest, chattiest and gurgliest babies.
Lola is indisputably the leader of this pack.
Happy seven months Al and Teo, we love you both so!

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