Friday, May 8, 2020

Random Tidbits: Walks and Talks, Playtime and Naptime

Here is a nice random assortment of pictures from the end of April - all the bits and bobs that didn't get included previously.  

We have been taking walks - some on my own, some with my parents, some with Lola. It's pretty cool how green the paths are when a cityscape is so close by.

Sometimes we manage to get everyone into the bedroom at the same time for a bedtime story or two.

It has been really nice for Lola to spend with her grandparents - and of course for the boys to get cuddles from popo and yeye also.

I spend a lot of time with Lola.  I have been wrestling with a lot of guilt about how much time I spend with her versus the boys.  Their needs are of a more elemental nature which I feel I can outsource, while she clings to me like a barnacle and wants to do everything with me.  While that is so wonderful, it also gives me serious and deep anxiety about how I am going to balance everybody and ensure everyone gets enough attention and time later.  And this is all happening when I am not even working yet.  I just don't know.

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