Monday, September 9, 2019

Give Me Cookies

We come to you with big news this week!  Lola successfully sat on the potty two days in a row, willingly, and actually went to the bathroom!  Without her diaper on!  This is worthy of many explanation points.  Previously she flat out refused to sit on her little practice potty and would slam the lid down as soon as she could, as quickly and as vehemently as she could.

But, this unprecedented behavior is not without explanation - Michael started promising Lola that if she sat on the potty and went to the bathroom, she would get a cookie.  I was not entirely in favor of this kind of incentive-led teaching, however, I cannot deny that it has worked.  We have lured her to the potty.

On Saturday, when she was finally did both, we rewarded her with unprecedented applause, cheers, smiles, high-five's, and a cookie.

On Sunday, when she did it again, we rewarded her with cheers and smiles and more loud applause.  Lola's immediate response?  "Now give me cookies."

Wile she was munching happily on her cookie, I, super encouraged by this turn of events, told her that now she needs to continue to do this.  Her immediate response?  "Continue giving me cookies."

Touche, Lola, touche.

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