Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Combating Jetlag and Other Mayhem

Look at this munchkin, fully accessorized here!  She is so full of personality and verve.  This picture totally cracks me up.

But it has been a tough couple of days adjusting to New York time.  Lola is still so jetlagged, and constantly wakes up at night plaintively asking to go outside even though it is dark out.  We may have finally overcome some of the issues today though, by taking her to an open play gym where she absolutely exhausted herself climbing stairs, sliding down slides and balancing on balance beams.  I think she was there for nearly 2 hours of nonstop action.   

The house is thankfully quiet for the first time in the wee hours of night and early morning, without her toys thumping and feet pattering and chair scraping.

Unfortunately I found myself awake at 3:30 negotiating the lease for our new apartment with Michael - if you ever wonder about the problems of two lawyers being married to each other, this is a prime example of how we get in our own way.  We received a 30+ paged lease written in the most ridiculous manner, with unlimited indemnities and every conceivable pro-landlord friendly benefit.  As lawyers, it's very hard for me and Michael to concede all of these outrageous legal provisions without taking a red pen to it all.  I suspect our markup will cause us to lose the lease, but I guess we have decided to die on this hill.

I wish I had a very glamorous recap of our first couple of days back in New York, but all I did was try to sleep when I could, help my sister DIY her wedding programs and seating placards, run errands for the wedding, try on my bridesmaid's dress and get it tailored, and try to keep Lola entertained when she absolutely lost it in a fit of exhaustion.

Now, I am commuting into the city for work, trying to get stuff done on a bunch of matters as well as meet up with people in the NY office that I don't usually see.  It's always really weird coming back to the mothership - so much of the office looks exactly the same and it brings me immediately back to being a junior associate learning to navigate my career, and all of the fears and concerns and uncertainties that crowded upon my psyche at that time.  It's a complicated feeling.

I am hopeful to head to my friend's birthday party out in the Hamptons at the end of the week, and then I likely have some domestic work travel coming up early next week.  In between all of these trips and errands I really need to work on my speech for my sister's wedding...

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