Sunday, August 12, 2018

Lola is Eight Months!

So this post is 11 days late because that's the kind of operation we've started to run around here.  But at least it's finally getting posted...

It took me so long to post this because I couldn't get good pictures of Lola - and when after a week I got no closer to staging a good picture, I asked our nanny/helper/Michael to help.  Unfortunately I have no good shots - when they finally tried, Lola was mostly only interested in eating her sticker.

For the past month, Lola has been saying "ma ma" (officially her first words!) and she uses them all the time now, mostly when she is upset, wants to be held (which she will also express by flinging her arms open), really (Really) wants something, or wants me. I love holding her close and knowing that I can give her comfort in my arms, but now 95% of the time after I scoop her up she immediately twists around and is reaching for something else or wriggling out of my arms.

Lola has started crawling on her knees and is getting faster and faster.  She has a rather awkward one legged crawl right now, where she often forgets to bend her right leg.  She is also dancing (and by dancing, I mean shaking her body vigorously back and forth, or shaking her two hands quickly up and down) any time there is music - even if the music is only in her head.  It is pretty hilarious, and there are many times when we burst into laughter because, mid-crawl, mid-sit, mid-play - Lola will suddenly start grooving.

In the swimming pool, also, we have seen progress these last couple of weeks.  Since gaining the ability to sit steadily, Lola has been much more comfortable sitting in the baby pool, dangling her arms and legs in, and even getting water splashed on her hair and face.  Michael has also taken her into the big pool a couple of times, and other than getting really nervous when she's on her back, Lola has been a very good sport about trying out this whole thing.

Lola's first top tooth (and third tooth overall) is coming in now, and by the looks of it it is coming in very, very crooked.  It has clearly been bothering her, as she has been touching her tooth and gums with her finger, looking to chew on everything, and generally drooling a lot more than usual.  She has been crankier than usual, although still a generally really good sport.

Lola continues to dominate messy play at her playgroup, and this has translated into her being completely bold and ruthless at handling (smashing, crushing, pounding, grinding and smearing) whatever foods she is eating.  Let's just say she digs in unhesitatingly with both hands and paints her highchair, the dining table, the walls, her face, her hair... with all the artistic flair of Jackson Pollock.

She has also learned to share her food and I think it might be the sweetest thing.  We taught her by cheering and clapping whenever she reached her hand (with food) toward us, and we were rewarded by her huge gummy grin.  Now, knowing that this behavior results in our smiles and gratitude, she is very generous with her spoils.

Here she is sharing with Michael, and delighting in the sharing.

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