Thursday, March 1, 2018

Three Months Today!

Lola is three months old today!
Wow, time goes so quickly and yet also so slowly when you have a newborn baby.  I can't believe it's been three months already, and yet (usually when I am getting up in the middle of the night) I also can't believe Lola isn't nine months old yet.
We are seeing some interesting developments in the little one - she has begun swiveling her head from side to side with increasing authority and speed.  She has begun sleeping longer stretches at night, which is awesome, but then on the flip side she has decided she hates to sleep during the day.  On some days, she only manages a few catnaps of 15 to 30 minute stretches each.  Yikes!

She also increasingly vocalizes her desire to be in her crib by herself.  Sometimes, she needs to be held (like when she is gassy or uncomfortable or has nightmares, poor thing) but other times she has a strong preference to be put down in her crib or playmat so she can just stare at her toys and listen to her music and be left alone.  She is showcasing her independent streak already...

She has strong neck and back muscles - she can hold her head up very high during tummy time and for a long time.  She hates it though.  Just because she can do it, doesn't mean she wants to!

Just this past week, she started showing her ability to grasp things in her little fists - especially her koala toy and her Winkel (that is the name of the toy, I kid you not).  When she grabbed the Winkel in both fists and brought it to her mouth to try to get a taste, I couldn't have been more proud!

Her love affair with her hands continue - not content just to suck a thumb or a finger or two, Lola goes for the entire fist.  She showed more of a preference for her right hand at first, but now she has discovered her left hand as well.  At the moment, there is probably no snack that Lola likes more.  If she can't find her fist or if it gets taken away from her, she wails like she has just lost her best thing.

The other day, I happened to catch our little sweetheart trying to lick her elbow.  I couldn't stop laughing - it was as if she discovered that her fist was attached to an arm, which was too delicious not to explore.

Finally, Lola's fascination with her dad continues - she will turn her head to follow him around the room, and Michael still has the uncanny ability to calm her down when she's in the midst of an inconsolable crying jag.  It's frankly a little insufferable when she immediately quiets down upon his doing nothing except swooping in and perching her high on his shoulder - but then my irritation is quickly overshadowed by my gratitude for this panacea.  Yesterday, I came home to the most adorable sight - Lola was in her bouncer in Michael's office, chilling quietly, sitting contentedly and not making any noise, with her eyes focused on his every move.  Is this a daddy's girl in the making or what?